Example: Multiple Serial FEniCS

We will walk through the following example. This example will run a serial version of BET and multiple (serial) runs of a model using different parameters. The purpose of this example is to porivde a template on how to make use of

(typically used on a cluster) to launch multiple instances of a serial code to more efficiently do parameter sweeps. If we have k processors and sample the model N=nk times, then the wall clock time spent solving the model goes from N to n (there is some additional overhead with the I/O). On a local machine with 2-8 processors, since this particular model is relatively cheap to evaluate, the overhead of the I/O makes this less efficient than the purely serial Example: FEniCS. If we used a more refined mesh and/or more computationally expensive model where the model solve time was significantly more than the reading/writing of files, then this approach is faster.

This example requires the following external packages not shipped with BET:

  • An installation of FEniCS that can be run using the same python as used for installing BET.

  • A copy of Launcher. The user needs to set certain environment variables inside of lbModel.py for this to run.

This example generates samples for a KL expansion associated with a covariance defined by cov in computeSaveKL.py on an L-shaped mesh that defines the permeability field for a Poisson equation solved in myModel_serial.py.

The quantities of interest (QoI) are defined as two spatial averages of the solution to the PDE.

The user defines the dimension of the parameter space (corresponding to the number of KL terms) and the number of samples in this space.

Even though we are coupling to the state-of-the-art FEniCS code for solving a PDE, we again see that the actual process for solving the stochastic inverse problem is quite simple requiring a total of 5 steps with BET excluding any post-processing the user may want. In general the user will probably not write code with various options as was done here for pedagogical purposes. We break down the actual example included with BET step-by-step below, but first, to showcase the overall simplicitly, we show the “entire” code (omitting setting the environment, post-processing, and commenting) required for solving the stochastic inverse problem using some default options:

sampler = bsam.sampler(lb_model)

num_KL_terms = 2
input_samples = samp.sample_set(num_KL_terms)
KL_term_min = -3.0
KL_term_max = 3.0
input_samples.set_domain(np.repeat([[KL_term_min, KL_term_max]],
input_samples = sampler.regular_sample_set(input_samples, num_samples_per_dim=[10, 10])

my_discretization = sampler.compute_QoI_and_create_discretization(input_samples)

param_ref = np.ones((1,num_KL_terms))
Q_ref = my_model(param_ref)
    data_set=my_discretization, Q_ref=Q_ref[0,:], rect_scale=0.1,


Step (0): Setting up the environment

Import the necessary modules:

import numpy as np
import bet.calculateP.simpleFunP as simpleFunP
import bet.calculateP.calculateP as calculateP
import bet.postProcess.plotP as plotP
import bet.postProcess.plotDomains as plotD
import bet.sample as samp
import bet.sampling.basicSampling as bsam

Step (1): Define interface to the model

Import the Python script interface to the load balancing model that takes as input a numpy array of model input parameter samples, generated from the sampler (see below), creates the Launcher job file for running and evaluating multiple serial instances of the model to generate batches of QoI samples, and returns the QoI samples:

from lbModel import lb_model

Define the sampler that will be used to create the discretization object, which is the fundamental object used by BET to compute solutions to the stochastic inverse problem. The sampler and my_model is the interface of BET to the model, and it allows BET to create input/output samples of the model:

sampler = bsam.sampler(lb_model)

Step (2): Describe and sample the input space

We compute and save the KL expansion once so that this part, which can be computationally expensive, can be done just once and then commented out for future runs of the code using the same set of KL coefficients defining the parameter space:

from Compute_Save_KL import computeSaveKL
num_KL_terms = 2

We then initialize the parameter space and assume that any KL coefficient belongs to the interval [-3.0,3.0]:

input_samples = samp.sample_set(num_KL_terms)
KL_term_min = -3.0
KL_term_max = 3.0
input_samples.set_domain(np.repeat([[KL_term_min, KL_term_max]],

Suggested changes for user (1)

Try with and without random sampling.

If using regular sampling, try different numbers of samples per dimension (note that if num_KL_terms is not equal to 2, then the user needs to be careful using regular sampling):

randomSampling = False
if randomSampling is True:
    input_samples = sampler.random_sample_set('random', input_samples, num_samples=1E2)
    input_samples = sampler.regular_sample_set(input_samples, num_samples_per_dim=[10, 10])

Suggested changes for user (2)

A standard Monte Carlo (MC) assumption is that every Voronoi cell has the same volume. If a regular grid of samples was used, then the standard MC assumption is true.

See what happens if the MC assumption is not assumed to be true, and if different numbers of points are used to estimate the volumes of the Voronoi cells:

MC_assumption = True
if MC_assumption is False:

Step (3): Generate QoI samples

Create the discretization object holding all the input (parameter) samples and output (QoI) samples using the sampler:

my_discretization = sampler.compute_QoI_and_create_discretization(
                            input_samples, savefile='FEniCS_Example.txt.gz')

At this point, all of the model information has been extracted for BET (with the possibly exception of evaluating the model to generate a reference QoI datum or a distribution of the QoI), so the model is no longer required for evaluation. The user could do Steps (0)-(3) in a separate script, and then simply load the discretization object as part of a separate BET script that does the remaining steps. When the model is expensive to evaluate, this is an attractive option since we can now solve the stochastic inverse problem (with many different distributions defined on the data space) without ever having to re-solve the model (so long as we are happy with the resolution provided by the current discretization of the parameter and data spaces).

Step (4): Describe the data distribution

This problem is nominally a “parameter identification under uncertainty” problem. Thus, we take a reference QoI datum (from one more model solve), and define a distribution “around” this datum.

Suggested changes for user (3)

Try different reference parameters that produce different reference QoI data.:

param_ref = np.ones((1,num_KL_terms))
Q_ref = my_model(param_ref)

Use the reference samples and discretization to generate plots (this is completely optional):

plotD.scatter_2D(input_samples, ref_sample=param_ref[0,:],
if Q_ref.size == 2:
    plotD.show_data_domain_2D(my_discretization, Q_ref=Q_ref[0,:],

Suggested changes for user (4)

Try different ways of discretizing the probability measure on D defined as a uniform probability measure on a rectangle or interval depending on choice of QoI_num in myModel.py:

randomDataDiscretization = False
if randomDataDiscretization is False:
        data_set=my_discretization, Q_ref=Q_ref, rect_scale=0.25,
        cells_per_dimension = 3)
        data_set=my_discretization, Q_ref=Q_ref, rect_scale=0.25,
        M=50, num_d_emulate=1E5)

Step (5): Solve the stochastic inverse problem

Calculate probablities on the parameter space (which are stored within the discretization object):


Step (6) [Optional]: Post-processing

The user may want to play around with nbins and sigma if different input domains or different discretizations other than the defaults above are used:

(bins, marginals2D) = plotP.calculate_2D_marginal_probs(input_samples,
marginals2D = plotP.smooth_marginals_2D(marginals2D, bins, sigma=0.5)
plotP.plot_2D_marginal_probs(marginals2D, bins, input_samples, filename="FEniCS",
                             lam_ref=param_ref[0,:], file_extension=".eps",

(bins, marginals1D) = plotP.calculate_1D_marginal_probs(input_samples,
marginals1D = plotP.smooth_marginals_1D(marginals1D, bins, sigma=0.5)
plotP.plot_1D_marginal_probs(marginals1D, bins, input_samples, filename="FEniCS",
                             lam_ref=param_ref[0,:], file_extension=".eps")