polyadcirc package


polyadcirc.util module

The module contains general tools for PolyADCIRC.


Return coordinate matrix from two or more coordinate vectors. Handles a maximum of 10 vectors.

Make N-D coordinate arrays for vectorized evaluations of N-D scalar/vector fields over N-D grids, given one-dimensional coordinate arrays (x1, x2,..., xn).

Parameters:X (tuple) – A tuple containing the 1d coordinate arrays
Return type:ndarray of shape (num_grid_points,n)

Module contents

This package is a Python-based framework for running batches of parallel ADCIRC simulations with varying parameters (Manning’s n and limited variable bathymetry, etc). Includes documentation for a Python interface to a slightly modified verion of GridData (Griddata_v1.32.F90). GridData is a FORTRAN program originally developed by Seizo Tanaka (ST3) and C.H.Lab., University of Notre Dame.

All code documented here is written for Linux with a bash shell. It can be modified for other shells. This code requires GNU Parallel to be installed in order to run properly.

This package contaings three subpackages

  • pyADCIRC a set of modules primarily for I/O with ADCIRC through text files
  • run_framework a set of modules used to run batches of PADCIRC in parallel
  • pyGriddata a set modules and some FORTRAN code used to create sets of nodal data for use by PADCIRC