Running with Subdomain ADCIRC

Getting the Subdomain ADCIRC Code

This code extends the PolyADCIRC framework to work with Subdomain ADCIRC v.50. Subdomain ADCIRC v.50 was developed by Alper Altuntas and Jason Simon under the direction of John Baugh; Department of Civil, Construction, and Enviromental Engineering North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC 27695. Since I am using ADICRC v 50.99.09 I merged their original source with ADCIRC v 50.99.09 and updated it so that the command line -I and -O options are availiable. I have also added an file so that their Python script directory is recongized as a package.

As the file structure and set up for Subdomain ADCIRC closely parallels that of ADCIRC the repo containing the subdomain code will need to be cloned into your $WORK directory using the --separate-git-dir=$HOME/v50_subdomain options:

$ git clone --separate-git-dir=$HOME/v50_subdomain ices-workstation:/org/groups/chg/lgraham/v50_subdomain

If you would like a copy of Subdomain ADCIRC it is availiable at Subdomain Modeling in ADCIRC. They have a great graphical interface for the ADCIRC Subdomain Modeling Tool.

Modifying Subdomain ADCIRC

You will need to modify Subdomain ADCIRC by making the py directory in the Subdomain ADCIRC directory into an importable python package. This requires adding a file and then either installing it as a Python package or adding it to your Python path.

Setting up the Subdomain grid_dir

The subdomain specific files and symbolic linkes generated by the following script [subdomain]/fort.{015,019,13,14,...} will need to be copied/moved to the grid_dir directory specified in your script. You can also simply specifify a grid_dir for the subdomain and one for the fulldomain and then move/copy the fort.13 file to the directory containing the sae_dir for the subdomain.


This script can be found in Polysim/examples. Allow running from the command line:

#! /usr/bin/env/python

Import necessary modules:

import polyadcirc.run_framework.subdomain as subdom
import polyadcirc.run_framework.fulldomain as fulldom
import glob

Specify the path to directory containing the compiled PADCIRC executables:

adcirc_dir = '/work/01837/lcgraham/v50_subdomain/work'

Specify the path to directory containing the input files for the fulldomain. This folder should also contain a copy of the compiled executable ADCPREP:

fulldomain = fulldom.fulldomain(adcirc_dir+'/fulldomain')

Specify the path to the directory that will contain files specific to the subdomain. This folder should also contian a copy of the compiled executables ADCPREP:

subdomain = subdom.subdomain(adcirc_dir+'/subdomain')

Update object references between the subdomain and the fulldomain. This is somewhat clunky with a possiblity of circular references, so I might alter it in the future:


Specify the number of processors for each PADCIRC run. This can be done separately for each run. Make sure this number is less than or equal to the total number of processors requested in your job submission script:

num_procs = 2

Check to see if shape file exists, if not make it:

if len(glob.glob(subdomain.path+'/shape.*14')) <= 0:
    subdomain.ellipse([40824.6, 98559.5], [98559.5, 40824,6], 60000)

The following steps correspond to Table 1 in Subdomain ADICRC v.50 User Guide.

Step 1a. Generate Sudomain:


Step 1b. Generate Full Domain Control File:


Step 2. Run ADCIRC on the full domain:

if subdomain.check_fulldomain():
    disp =  "Output files ``fort.06*`` exist, but running ADCIRC on fulldomain"
    print disp+"anyway."
    print "Output files ``fort.06*`` do not exist, running ADCIRC on fulldomain.", adcirc_dir)

Step 3. Extract Subdomain Boundary Conditions:

subdomain.genbcs(h0 = 0)

Step 4 Run ADCIRC on the subdomain:

if subdomain.check():, adcirc_dir)
    print "Input file ``fort.019`` does not exit."

Compare subdomain and fulldomain results:

ts_data, nts_data, time_obs = subdomain.compare_to_fulldomain(['fort.63',

Setting up your landuse_## folders

Use the subdomain specific fort.14 and fort.13 files to generate a set of landuse basis folders, see “All” about land use and land classifications. These landuse_## folders will need to be moved to the basis_dir directory specificed in your script.

Running PolyADCIRC with Subdomains

Finally, update the directory paths in a copy of run-lonestar-test. This file may be run with no other changes as all the necessary files for Subdomain ADCIRC are now located in the grid_dir.